
Category: Church

Cutting Wood and Restoring N. T. Christianity

In my early years, before Daddy got steady work in town, we lived in the country and did small time farming. We had neither electricity nor gas at our house. We heated and cooked using wood for fuel. There were…

The One Body of Christ and Many Churches of Christ.

The one body (church) of the New Testament (Ephesians 4:4; 1:22,23;) is not a brotherhood of churches, but a brotherhood of Christians. It has no earthly headquarters, earthly organization, earthly overseers, or earthly spokespersons. It is a spiritual kingdom within…

The Brotherhood

“Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. (1 Peter 2:17) The word “brotherhood” here is translated from adelphotes. It appears only twice in the New Testament, both times in First Peter (2:17; 5:9). The King James…

Speaking of Church

If I am not mistaken, the word church in its singular and/or plural forms is found in every New Testament book in all of our English versions, with the exception of the short books of Jude, 1 John and 2…