
Prayer Meeting …

I can remember when many brethren referred to their mid-week service as “Prayer Meeting,” indicating that most of the service as devoted to prayer. We don’t hear the term much these days. Shortly after placing membership at Kimberly we learned that the fifth Sunday evening service was devoted primarily to prayer. We have come to look forward to this quarterly service. Prayer Night is conducted much like Singing Night that many congregations have. Rather than various ones leading songs, they lead prayers. Tonight’s service was our prayer night. The brother who led the service wrote three areas of concern on the white board Government, Personal Work, and Congregational Growth. Six brethren were selected to lead prayers, each focusing on one of these areas. Other things were prayed for but the main focus was on these areas. I believe everyone came away with lifted spirits.

How many other congregations are doing something like this, I do not know. I do know from experience that it is an edifying practice. I recommend it. It also reflects the practice of the early disciples – especially in stressful times (Acts 12:5ff).

Does it do any good other than lifting the spirits of those in attendance? Far more. It is a biblical truth that God is influenced in His actions in answer to the prayers of his faithful children – even changing His mind at times. If the fervent prayer of one righteous man avails much, and it does, how effective are the prayers of a congregation of righteous souls praying together? (Cf. James 5:17-18).

God is still in control of His world and He still listens to His people.

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